Getting Started With Alternative Tango Music
Ben Bogart's Tango Music Recomendations

Getting Started with Traditional Tango Music - Getting Started with Alternative Tango Music

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Alternative Tango Music - The Basics

Goran Bregovic -
Kayah & Bregovic
Tales and Songs from Weddings and Funerals
Arizona Dream (Sound Track)

Goran Bregovic quickly became one of the Alternative Tango essential artists. He often recycles music, so many of his CDs have the same songs in different languages and with different singers. The discs I perfer are:

Kayah & Bregovic
This Disc has the most variety of great Alt-Tangos on it. Some high energy and other low. It is a very good place to start your Alternative Tango collection.

Tales and Songs from Weddings and Funerals
This alternates between very high energy favorites like Maki Maki and Hop Hop Hop, with very slow pieces. The fast songs are essentials in the alternative Milonga library.

Arizona Dream (Sound Track)
This Disc contains one song that people like to dance to: "In the Death Car." Not an essential but a good disd to help grow your collection.

Other CDs by Goran Bregovic

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Lhasa de Sela
La Llorona

Sometimes haunting, always interesting, Lhasa de Sela has become another alt tango classic. Wether you prefer the classic "De Cara a la Pared" or the now popular "El Desierto" this CD is a must have. Besides the entire CD is beautiful and fun.

P.S. Music Nerds like me will also like to check out Track 7: "Floricanto". It is a nice tango, mostly in a 5/4 meter.

Other CDs by Lhasa de Sela

Cristina Branco

Cristina Branco, actually a Portuguese Fado Singer, has a voice that has captivated tango dancers for a number of years now. Post-Scriptum is a must have disc with the song "Palavras-Proibidas" and a couple of other nice and dancable songs that make many dancers smile and sigh.

Other CDs by Cristina Branco


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